Umar Rana Muhammad


tel. +39 0432 24-9352
(Supervisor Michela Mason,  Co-supervisor Andrea Moretti)

Managing service recovery experience: Consumer responses to perceived fairness in service recovery strategies. Findings from Hospitality Industry.
Every good hospitality firm prefer to provide error free services. However, it is not possible even for the best companies to deliver them in every single transaction. Hence hospitality marketers always face one big question “how the effect of service failure can be mitigated?” One significant driver in minimizing this effect is perceived recovery justice. Aim of present study is to examine the influence of perceived recovery justice on consumers` preferential responses towards hospitality firms after a service failure and service recovery. We employ scenario-based online experiments to collect data and analyse it with the help of structural equation modelling and PROCESS (Hyne, 2013). We use justice theory, social exchange theory and resource exchange theory to support the findings. We discuss the implications and provide future research directions in the domain of perceived recovery justice scholarship.