Ciani Stefano

tel. +39 0432 24 9300

(Supervisor Michela Cesarina Mason. Co-supervisor Francesco Marangon)

Consumer behavior in extreme sports and tattoo industry

In the PhD MAS I’m learning the quantitative analysis applied in different fields of marketing. In particular, the main fields are consumer behavior, consumer motivation and perception. At the moment, I’m analyzing several data sets various kinds of activities or events: extreme sports (like triathlon) and tattoo industry. My main goal is to analyse different statistical techniques in order to target customers (i.e segmentation analysis).
Also, thanks to my background in agricultural science and technology, I learnt to analyze spatial information, with the support of georeferencing software. This allows me to know and to improve my knowledge in geo-marketing. Indeed finally, for improve and perform the use of geo-marketing tools, I’m starting two case studies: one case focuses on the mapping of the agri-food typical products and the other wants to know if the rural tourism is a good driver to promote the location of typical foods.