Raggiotto Francesco



tel. +39 0432 24 9260

(Supervisor Michela Cesarina Mason. Co-supervisor Andrea Moretti)

Consumer behaviour.

My research interests focus on consumer behavior. My Ph.D. research project is aimed at investigating the impact of different cultural contexts on consumer perceptions related to the offering of non-national brands.
Using the QSR industry as a research context, particularly fast food chains (given the worldwide diffusion of some of fast-food brands), my project investigates how different consumer key perceptual and psychological cues (like atmospheric cues, quality cues, and more psychological perceptions like self congruity) vary according to different national cultural backgrounds.
I am specializing on the use of quantitative techniques like Structural Equation Modeling. Regarding data collection, my project is entirely based on real-world data, collected through the development of a questionnaire. To enlarge the scope of the project, the questionnaire has been administered to the customers of an international fast-food chain in more than 20 countries in the world.
The early results of such project have been published in the top-tier Journal of Business Research.