Castellani Marco


tel. +39 0432 24 9352

(Supervisor Stefano Comino. Co-supervisor Michela Battauz)

Is vertical integration a response to a low level of trust?

The first chapter of my Ph.D. thesis will be structured as a literature review of the impact of culture (trust, individualism, uncertainty avoidance etc.) on the economy. At the moment, I am working on the second chapter. To be more precise, I am currently evaluating the impact of trust on vertical integration of firms using information at the four digit level for manufacturing sectors in 17 European countries. According to transaction cost theory, firms will buy their inputs in the market, rather than produce them internally if they do not fear to be cheated by their suppliers. Therefore, my hypothesis is that the higher the level of trust, the lower the level of vertical integration.

A brief summary about the research activities you made abroad or about those activities you are going to make abroad

2016 - Area Science Park (Ts), workshop “Writing research papers”

5/6-16/6 2017 (forthcoming) - Trento Summer School in Adaptive Economic Dynamics – XVIII Edition

26/6-1/7 2017 (forthcoming) - SIdE Course: Introductory Econometrics (Bertinoro) 

PhD Students'  representative b.a. 2016-2018