Cunico Paolo

tel. +39 0432 24-9352
(Supervisor Donata Vianelli)

Corporate Reputation Treated as a Portfolio of Opinions

Nowadays, thanks to the rise of social media and e-commerce, the public exposure of companies and, more broadly, organizations, has drastically grown, affecting their reputations. Despite this logical consequence, what is the magnitude of the different opinions on an organization's reputation? My project aims to provide a tool to evaluate the impact of various stakeholders' opinion on an organization's reputation, according to the signalling theory.

Organization are continuously signalling their behaviours in several ways, receiving feedback from different stakeholders through different communication channels. But, who are the relevant stakeholders in affecting the reputation? What is the role of the volatility of those opinions?

My project aims to treat this variety of feedbacks as a portfolio of opinions, weighted according to their volatility. After developing a comprehensive definition of corporate reputation according to signalling theory, the research will move on the analysis of possible adaptable algorithms for the purpose. The first attempt will focus on merit and credit scoring algorithms.