Dal Mas Francesca



tel. +39 0432 24 9352

(Supervisor Andrea Garlatti)

IC and welfare in the fifth stage of Intellectual Capital

Francesca’s research interests merge the topics of Intellectual Capital and Knowledge Management with the themes of sustainability and welfare. More in details, Francesca is studying the so-called “Fifth Stage of Intellectual Capital,” a recent research trend that sees the concept of “value” go beyond the boundaries of the firm to pursue “the greater good” for the stakeholders and the community. In this perspective, financial, environmental and social sustainability and welfare are the key topics.

Francesca enjoys several contacts with foreign scholars and University. In 2016, she conducted a seminar for undergraduate students at Aoyama Gakuin University in Tokyo, Japan, under the supervision of Professor Jiro Usugami. Since 2016, she has been a member of ICAA - Intellectual Capital Accreditation Association based in Santarem (Portugal), and of IAKM - International Association for Knowledge Management. At the end of 2017, she will be visiting the Knowledge Management and Innovation Research Centre - KMIRC at Hong Kong Polytechnic University and the Faculty of Business and Economics at the Macquarie University of Sydney (Australia).