Moh’d Shaimà


tel. +39 0432 24 9260

(Supervisor Francesca Visintin)

HRM practices, organisational learning and corporate entrepreneurship in SME: what is the relationaship?

First Paper (winter) 2016/ Qualitative - Literature Review: What is the relationship between the HRM Practices and Corporate Entrepreneurship? A Systematic Quantitative Literature Review
Second Paper (Winter) 2017/ Quantitative – Causal recipes of HPWPs for employee retention: Fuzzy-sets Qualitative Comparative Analysis
Prof. Francesca Visintin, University of Udine
Prof. Daniel Pittino, Jönköping International Business School (Sweden)
Prof. Dietmar Sternard, Carinthia University of Applied Sciences (Austria)
Activities Abroad:

  • 1. EURAM conference - 2017- June 20th -24th / Glasgow- Scotland

Our submitted paper: Causal recipes of HPWPs for employee retention: Fuzzy-sets Qualitative Comparative Analysis.

  • 2. I am planning to spend my research period (6 months) in the University of Ljubljana- Slovenia.