
The programme structure

The PhD in Managerial and Actuarial Sciences is on full-time basis only. The maximum duration is three years.
The first year consists of a number of graduate courses in areas related to the field of interest. The second year consists of research seminars held during the first semester where the students prepare and discuss a broad range of prescribed reading. Each seminar is focused on methodological themes and substantive research material. During the second semester the students can take the opportunity to develop a solid intellectual relationship, in their research progress, with a stay in international centers of research. In the third year the doctoral students complete their dissertation.
During the three years students are encouraged to attend any relevant seminar in the related areas in the Department of Economics and Statistics in the University.
Each doctoral student has a principal supervisor. The guidance given to the student occurs through frequent supervisor/student meetings.
In each year of the programme students are required to make presentations of their work during the DIES PhD day, namely a one day seminar attended by PhD students, supervisors and other members of the faculty. This provides a source of academic feed-back.
In order to progress to the following year, students must have achieved a pass mark of at least 80 per cent (a C score) in their course exams and have made satisfactory progress in their research work.
The Assessment Committee of the PhD in Managerial and Actuarial Science programme meets two times per year to consider the report received from the supervisors in order to monitor the progress of all research students. The Committee reviews the dissertation in progress of each research student and makes recommendations.
The PhD Coordinator meets the students four times a year in a specific Coordinator-students meeting (April, July, November, January). During these meetings, the progress of each student is assessed and specific actions are developed so has to maximize the student’s potential.


Scientific Committee

Bacinello Annarita
Bortoluzzi Guido
Bosi Gianni
Chiarvesio Maria
Comino Stefano
Danielis Romeo
Feri Francesco
Floreani Josanco
Fornasin Alessio
Garlatti Andrea
Marangon Francesco
Mason Michela Cesarina
Millossovich Pietro
Minoja Mario
Pauli Francesco
Rossi Gina
Torelli Nicola
Vianelli Donata



Battauz Michela
Luca Giovanni Carlo Brusati
Carmeci Gaetano
Comuzzi Eugenio
Cugini Antonella
De Luca Patrizia
Dreassi Alberto
Fedele Paolo
Graziano Clara
Lauto Giancarlo
Moggi Sara
Moretti Andrea
Pappada' Roberta
Pegan Giovanna
Picech Liviana
Pittino Daniel
Rossi Stefania Patrizia Sonia
Tracogna Andrea
Troiano Stefania
Vidoni Paolo
Visintin Francesca
Zanin Filippo