Graduated with us

CYCLE XXXIV (2018-2021)

Bertossi Alberto, Students’ behavior as a way to reach sustainability within universities: the role of planning a strategy, and of students’ perceptions and personal goals
Collino Samuel, Innovative training design for Industry 4.0: Building the skills for the digital transition
Mehraein Vahid, The dark side of leadership, creativity, and innovation
Piserà Stefano, Essay on ESG factors in financial markets and institutions
Velliscig Giulio, Essays on the credibility of bail-in
Viviano Fabio, Some Life Insurance Applications of Regression and Simulation Methods

CYCLE XXXIII (2017-2020)

Bahoo Salman, Essays on Corruption
Corazza Giulio, Strategic Performance Measurement in complex settings: A multi-perspective analysis
Garlatti Costa Grazia, An Investigation of The Role of Work-Life Balance for Creativity and Innovation

CYCLE XXXII (2016-2019)

Ciani Stefano, Prodotti enogastronomici e territorio: specificità locali e opportunità globali per lo sviluppo turistico.
Ghasemzadeh Khatereh, An Exploration of User Innovation from Inside the Firms: Uncovering Internal Dynamics and Embedded Lead Userness.
Mbieke Stephen Ndula, Entrepreneurship, technology transfer and business model evolution in Academia
Khan Ashraf, Islamic finance: instruments, risks and institutions.
Tabakova Daniela Yordanova, Heterogeneity and uncertainty in a multistate framework.

CYCLE XXXI (2015-2018)

Brundavanam Divya, Examining the performance of trend surface models for inference in fMRI data.
Castellani Marco, Vertical Integration and Social Capital: Theory and Empirics.
Castellarin Elisa, Entrepreneurial leadership and decision making.
Dal Mas Francesca, IC and welfare in the fifth stage of Intellectual Capital. Insights from the topic of sustainability.
Moh’d Shaimà, Transforming Human Resource Management into a Strategic Partner.
Paladin Micaela, Many faces of corruption. A multimethod study.
Raggiotto Francesco, To the death, baby. An exploration of psychological drivers of consumer behavior in extreme sports.
Vittorino Giovanni, Essays in applied regional economics.


CYCLE XXX (2014-2017)

Belfanti Nicole, Learning to be lean. An exploration of the drivers toward successful lean management adoption.
Carignani Giuseppe, An Evolutionary Perspective of Radical Innovation and its implications for Management and Organizations.
Carzedda Matteo, Soft innovations and Alternative Food Networks for sustainable agrifood systems.
Dan Nelu, Some Advances in Aspect Analysis of User-Generated Content.
Sclip Alex, Essays on Bank Risk.

Slonimskaya Anastasiya, PPP in theory and practice: The case of transnational PPP Healthcare Project in Russia


CYCLE XXIX (2013-2016)

Cicero Lucia, Marketing to families with children in tourism. Scholarship researcher at the University of Udine.
Gon Marika,  The future of destination management. Local experiences, residents’ attitude and social media in co-tutele with Katholische Universität Eichstätt - Ingolstadt.
Lattuada Andrea, Some Developments in Flexible Regression Modelling.
University tutor with part-time contract at the University “Cattolica del Sacro Cuore” of Milano.
Maqbool Saif, Micro-foundations of Innovation: A detailed study of innovation antecedents.
Missoni Maria, Managing on the edges in public sector organizations. Multilevel governance implications. Scholarship researcher at the University of Udine.
Pugliese Roberto, The Growth of StartUp Firms Deputy, General Coordinator; Coordinator, IT Group at Elettra-Sincrotone Trieste S.C.p.A.