Information Systems and Data Warehousing
- Big Data Analytics and Information Systems
The research is about digital information systems in general, both for public and private organisations, both as to the operational and to the strategic and management levels. As a rule, the research activities are performed experimentally, too.
Many specific research themes are dealt with:
- Organisation of Information Systems especially within the business environment. In this field, the organisation of Information Systems for industrial environments is studied in general terms, and the impact of the organisation, type and formation of the involved human resources is analysed. The onset of new types of digital divides is assessed, too, as well as the differences in software and associated organisational models for small-to-medium companies in comparison with large companies.
- Methodologies for designing and analysing the quality of Data Warehouses. In particular: design and quality issues in company Data Warehouse systems, analysing, on the one hand, the methodological aspect and, on the other hand, the operational aspect, with research in the local market.
- Digital Library for Cultural Heritage. Digital information storage platforms and resources are studied, with regard to the history/art field.
- Web Information Systems, with reference to Web information systems and Intranets for digital communication, in particular in the health field.
- Smartcity, Domotics and Building Automation, with reference to the problems of integration and interoperability of heterogeneous information systems, in particular within the scope of the information systems of Public Administration bodies and local authorities.
- Management Information Systems and digital dashboards supporting the planning and control processes and the decision making for the strategic management of territory.
- Industry 4.0 and Internet of Things (IoT), with reference to the analysis of production processes within the scope of Industry 4.0 companies and to the adoption of new processes and new business models, based on connected devices, within the scope of industrial production and in the field of household appliances.
- Analysis and design of innovative company information systems within a business context, with specific smart modules based on knowledge, through technology transfer actions.
Also, within a scope less closely related with business, research is being carried out in order to develop metrics and innovative methodologies for the assessment of the effectiveness of information retrieval systems.
Research subjects
- Study on the impact of the creation and organisation of information systems in the companies
- Application of ERP systems in the SMEs (Small-Medium Enterprises)
- Quality Analysis in Data Warehouses
- Information Systems for Digital Libraries
- Information Systems for Smartcity and Smartland
- Integration and interoperability of information systems
- Internet of Things (IoT) and Industry 4.0
- WIS – Web Information System
- Strategic dashboard for decision support
- Assessment of the effectiveness of information retrieval systems.
ERC panels
- PE6_2 Operating and distributed systems, computer networks and performance evaluation, mobile computing
- PE6_10 Natural language processing, large language and other foundation models
- Organizzazione Sistemi ERP, SME (Small Medium Enterprise), Digital divide
- Qualità, Data Warehouse, Digital Libreries, Smartcity
- Smartland, MIS Integration and interoperability, Internet of things (IoT)
- Industrie 4.0, WIS – Web Information System, Crowdsourcing